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Joe Mars
Sep 30, 20214 min read
| Episode 29 | Rozalla Miller's hit song turns 30 years!
Rozalla Miller's Everybody's free (to feel good) turns 30 years this September and the hit song is still heavily received wherever performed

Joe Mars
Sep 11, 20213 min read
|Episode 28 | Ammara: Balancing the art from artist and how it can help Zim artists.
Ammara shared how she to "choose the things that matter to her". Her wisdom could help mental pressures faced by artists.

Joe Mars
Sep 6, 20212 min read
| Ep. 27 | Feli Nandi on her song for her mother, meeting Mbeu and industry growth.
Feli Nandi is unlikely to write another ode to her late mother after her recent release saying that this recent tune, Unotyei, is what...

Joe Mars
Aug 6, 20212 min read
|Episode 26| Ishē on soul, life and work.
When you grow up with privilege, it is easy to assume that a lot of things will be handed to you and your life choices will be, smooth...

Joe Mars
Jul 28, 20212 min read
|Episode 25|"Bvudzijena is a true story, a phase in my life" Tamy Moyo on her new project.
I have always been a softie for a good voice and song and so the first time I heard Beautiful Ndozvandiri from Tamy Moyo (albeit late to...

Joe Mars
Jul 11, 20212 min read
|Ep. 24| Charmaine, Queen in the North Podcast.
Charmaine is a bowl of energy coco puffs with milk infused with a Gatorade and will leave you with nothing but an attraction towards her...

Joe Mars
Jul 1, 20212 min read
|Ep. 23| The Tariro NeGitare Podcast.
How does one stay grounded in the midst of praises and popularity? While the answer to this might have eluded many an artist, it seems...

Joe Mars
Jun 1, 20212 min read
|Ep. 22| Berita, Queen of Afrosoul.
Growing up I new I would always love music but that was before I learnt the acoustic guitar. Since then I have always felt that musicians...

Joe Mars
May 25, 20214 min read
|Ep. 21| Africa Day Podcast
In 2021 Africa Day is celebrated under the theme "The year of Arts, Culture and Heritage: in the year of Charlotte Maxeke”. With all that...

Joe Mars
Apr 14, 20212 min read
|Ep. 17| Real Shona
Season 2 of the podcast: Here is why the lights are still on. When I first went solo on my journey to make podcasts, no one really knew...

Joe Mars
Mar 24, 20213 min read
|Ep. 14| Zivanai Masango.
His new track hammers on a widely spread Zimbabwean culture of failing to appreciate the living."You don't know what you got till it's gone"

Joe Mars
Jan 13, 20203 min read
Queen of Jazz Prudence K. Mbofana talks of a new album while revealing her love for teaching.
Prudence Katomeni Mbofana is a name that is synonymous to jazz and has been around for as long as I fell in love with jazz music in the...

Joe Mars
Jan 26, 20193 min read
The biggest musical loss for Africa
Ever smiling and joyful Tuku, with rising star Jah Prayzer I will remember Oliver Mtukudzi for a career that I cannot find fault in,...

Joe Mars
Jan 24, 20184 min read
More than a bro, Hugh you were, much much more!
Hugh Masekela playing the flugelhorn at the Manhattan Center, New York, 1994. Photograph: Jack Vartoogian/Getty Images/Getty Images When...
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