How does one stay grounded in the midst of praises and popularity? While the answer to this might have eluded many an artist, it seems that Tariro NeGitare has found it through her spirituality. She is by far the most humble I have met in her craft and could possibly be the most inspiring of modern day artists that I have had a chance to interact with.
I first met her as the organiser of the then "Acoustic Nights" and I actually thought she was a bit snobbish. I blame myself for that because growing up, what is grounded and firm I stereotyped it. It's a skill we have to learn, to be able to marvel at the strong willed lest we take inspiration from the weak and those that are heavily compensating.
It is after you get past her forever smile and cover, read and listen to what comes from inside her is when you adjudge yourself as wrong, apologetic and start to pay attention to her wisdoms.
Tariro NeGitare is not only a woman of musical note and repute but she embodies the characteristics of a well rounded and grounded person. In the short times that I have met her on and off the stage, I have always admired how she is not ashamed of being herself and to listen to what the spirit says to her about her life and music. The latter part is one that she admires and listens to the most and is the major reason, I believe, that has set apart from the other performers in the country today.

Tariro Mashia Chaniwa is her real name and ever since she the age of 13 she has never looked back on music. After her third album, she moved to Bulawayo. Far from the hustle of the capital into the uniqueness and subtleness of the city of kings. That is where she calls home now and has been slowly acclimatising to Bulawayo which she professes, while I agree, is just beautiful and peaceful.
But what does it mean for her to be in this place? Far away from a home she grew up in, choosing to leave friends and networks behind and listening to what the Spirit is saying about her life? Maybe she can educate the lost youths, aspiring or musicians that have a slightly different approach to life?
She has picked up podcasting and volunteers at a school in the city and believes there is just so much more in life that God has sent her to accomplish and all she needs to do is just listen to the Spirit and let it guide you.
We spoke at length about her Life, Music and Spirituality and here is what she had to say.
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