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The inevitable writer’s block and how to cure it!

Writer: Joe MarsJoe Mars

I think everyone who writes does so with feelings attached to it. No matter the reason that has led you to settle down and write, the ultimate reason as to why you succeed in doing so is because you are feeling some kind of way.

Take this post for example, I have been literally struggling to write about anything prior to this surrounding my life! I have sat down numerous times to stare at a blank page and closed it after minutes on end only to produce nothing.

It’s because the emotion or feeling that always accompanies my writing, which I have identified to be “anger” has largely been dwarfed by other feelings such as anxiety and stress. Though I have tried to channel my writing from these feelings, they have actually made it worse. I could only write (as I do now) when my anger came back to me while the other feelings took a back seat.

As funny as this sounds, there is always a major feeling that accompanies our writing and to find it is to cure writer’s block.


I am so unlucky in a way because I have to be angry or disappointed at something and might not sound objective in my writing but it is what it is. I write better when I am angry. While some write from a point of happiness or confusion, understanding the feeling that makes you write better is the key to solving writer’s block.

The greatest writers of all times have to be the ones who can write from all emotional angles, combining it all in one book or story or writing differently for different times. That I think is the pinnacle of good writing. If I can master that then I would have reached my career highlight.

So I guess you are sitting right there, reading this and wondering if my writing strength comes from being angry, then what could have made me angry so at to create this post?

The answer lies in a question I have been asking myself for the past couple of weeks and I could barely fish out an answer.

I mean, how is it that I seem to get life’s short end of the stick when it comes to jobs? For months now I have toiled night and day in an attempt to chase a dream and all I have met is inconsiderate bosses who really do not deserve my services!

In a nutshell, this has been my anger, amongst many other things ( I chuckle).

It follows then that if you also write your experiences more clearly than anything else. A war veteran will write better, the feelings of war, far much better than a fiction writer who wants to create a masterpiece from just the thoughts in his head, unless of course, they write someone else’s story.

Check out other tips of curing writer’s block here but if I where you, I would focus on the last tip, the other seven are just to fill space.


Tap into the emotions that make you a good writer and explore them deeply. Whatever it is, that’s your mojo, milk it!


Calvin and Hobbes



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