The silence has been too much I know.
Many of you have visited the blog to find nothing new and wondered where I could be and what’s keeping me busy. Well the answer could be simply be explained by the old writer’s block ailment that many writers face but NO, it is much more than that and an interesting season to my life that I will now share with you.
I started working for a radio station in Harare called Capitalk100.4FM as a presenter with the start of the new year. I went through more training and mentorship from various well established producers and presenter and it took most of my time as I had to be at par or be at my best. I guess I never had the time to share with the world as to why I had gone so silent.
Radio has always been my first love, it occupies a great part of my heart and I free very open and psyched up whenever I take up a radio show. The first days, like any other person, I had a few nerves to fight with as I had to prove myself worthy.
It was as if I was doing this for the very first time in my life and it all came back to me, the very same jitters I had when i first took up a show in Bulawayo at the then Spot FM Radio (now Classic 263). Like a little boy I was transformed back into that lack of confidence and fear of failing.
It took a few weeks to find my feet and in all these days the expectations became higher and higher to perform and make the morning show work much better than it was. In a nutshell i made it work and with a very understanding team, we found a way to make it work.
The problem I realised as each and every day I showed up at work and failed to make it work was my own self belief. There is so much that we fail to accomplish in our lives simply because there is a huge lack of self belief. This could be just a matter of being resilient, persevering and being harsh to an environment that could itself be harsh to you first. This has been the big lack in my life and I have sort of shrunk into an existence made up of the environment from which I am in rather than being bold and not letting the environment and the people around you define what it is that you should become.
Everyday we hear successful stories of people who have defied the odds and become great man of repute not because there were born with a silver spoon in their hand but because they realised that without putting up a fight, all that we ever dream of becoming just get washed away.
There is a whole new possibility for everyone and anybody out there and most of the times we have to fight and claw into being the people we want to be.
“Nothing is never promised tomorrow today“ as Kanye said, so we live everyday and give the best of what we have today because tomorrow is never really ours.
I wish to just state that working on radio is a great thing and it comes with its own pressures just like in any profession. The major pitfall we face is that no matter how bad you might be putting up a show, how hard your boss might be on you or whatever is bothering you at work, when you assume the role of presenting and going live, all is left outside the studio confines and put up a character of a person who is doing well and should do well for the people listening. We have learnt the art of separating our personal lives with our job, a trait that is very hard to find but we have it anyway.
I have been doing a show mid-afternoon show called the Society which comes on daily between 12 and 3pm. I have learnt to love the topics we discuss here and I was made to feel at home with the many listeners who listen in daily.

Leading the conversation at Capitalk 100.4FM
I have realised that there is much more to life that thinking you will fail and that people will not like me. Its the old adage of “shooting yourself in the foot” by just admitting that there is nothing to it and that life sucks.
Go out there and try something new, be a boss of something and own something and make it yours. There are a lot of issues in life that if you dwell on them, what you want to be never becomes.