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Joe Mars
Jul 11, 20212 min read
|Ep. 24| Charmaine, Queen in the North Podcast.
Charmaine is a bowl of energy coco puffs with milk infused with a Gatorade and will leave you with nothing but an attraction towards her...
Joe Mars
Mar 18, 20212 min read
|Ep. 13| Drealnova and Novacane
Describing his new album "Novacane" as an anesthetic to "numb" the pain of the world, his debut album delivers more than just a fancy...
Joe Mars
Mar 7, 20214 min read
|Ep. 12| Mimmie Tarukwana.
Her new EP leaves a beautiful taste on your musical palette, is riddled with the tones & nuances of a full grown artist when it's her first!
Joe Mars
Jan 21, 20213 min read
Zimbabwean artists are so talented but lack proper marketing structures. JØY is looking at moving away from this sad realisation.
Joe Mars
Jan 5, 20212 min read
|Ep. 3| Ananya Kouds.
This is time for us to consume as much of our own content as we can ever do. It's amazing how much there is to offer out there Zimbos.
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