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|Ep. 19| Tapiwa Mashwede and the village.

Joe Mars

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

Senior Mashamanda Hwede (Mashwede) and his sons

The name Mashwede has fast become synonymous with business in the capital city of Harare. No matter what the family brand puts their stamp on, it seems as if they cannot put a foot wrong. From stationery, construction, fuel supply, business centres, entertainment hotspots and supporting local music with a dancehall 'riddim', theirs is an empire built upon sound mentoring, hard work and perseverance from an older generation of leaders.

Music and artists cannot stand alone. They cannot perform in a void and they depend on supporters of all kinds to catapult them to greatness. Hence in today's music, you hear a lot of musicians paying homage to individuals, organisations and the fans because they complete their entire existence.

The history of music performance and entertainment can never be enough without mentioning of night spots and arenas onto which this "food for love" has been performance.

Since the birth of the modern Zimbabwe, there have been many entertainment spots to be mentioned in this piece all at once but it is very easy to find out which of current ones, rules the roost.

In terms of location and services offered, there is no other spot in Harare that offers such a diverse supply of entertainment services all in one like the Mashwede Village. It is a complete experience made up of fast food take-aways, grilled meats and meals, kids entertainment areas, a Sungura bar and a Contemporary night club plus much more.

I sat down with Tapiwa Mashamhanda Hwende who is also known as "Danger" to get to know more about the Mashwede business empire, it's origins and what the future holds for them.

Click the picture below to listen to the full conversation:

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